I do not know why some of these pictures have uploaded sideways, and I can't work out how to change them! So for now, you will have to do some acrobatics to look at them properly!
Microphone onesie, for your little screamer
2 versions of the 1960s style pleat front dress in cherry (which I adore!)
Another couple of frilly aprons, one worn by one of my little poppets
Some cute little frilly aprons, suitable for size 2 to about 6. I am loving these right now!
Also, a "Little Bow Pipsqueak" onesie
Some new onesies which I have created. Various styles, all of which can be made with a multitude of cool fabrics.
The necktie, for your little businessman (or businesswoman!)
The "I Love You, My Little Peanut"
The bowtie, for the budding surgeon or Supreme Court Justice in your life.
The neckerchief, for when your little one is out on the range.
The bandana, a must for little cowpokes
I didn't realise quite how long it had been since I updated this blog! I have been concentrating mainly my photos etc on my Facebook page
and haven't even thought about this!
So I guess it's about time I got to work. I've had a couple of months hiatus for the winter and am now back into creating for your babies and children. Having so much fun trying to find gorgeous new fabrics, and designing new styles too. Have a look through my latest photos and see what you think.